Sunday, September 17, 2006

Here's our trusty little Yanmar diesel engine, which is located right between our galley (kitchen) and navigation station. On September 1, with rain from Ernesto coming down in sheets, a master mechanic from Atlantic Yacht Basin came over to fix our engine. It was all done by mid-day.

The rest of the rainy day, we ventured around the boatyard, where over 2 feet of water had accum- ulated. The roads were also full of water for the next two days, but slowly subsided.

After thinking about our options for the rest of the hurricane season, and talking to the staff here and other boaters, we decided to stay at Atlantic Yacht Basin for the next two months. We have a trip planned to Minnesota to visit family and friends for two weeks, and know that the boat will have good protection for any other storms headed this way while we are gone.

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