Sunday, March 25, 2007

Usually I love living as close to nature and its rhythms as we do on the boat. Knowing when the tides are coming in and going out, when sunrise and sunset are, what the phase of the moon is, and what the weather is going to be are all part of our daily life. But sometimes the weather just does not cooperate. It has now been blowing steadily out of the east and north-east for over a week, making it unwise to try a crossing to the Bahamas and making the Gulf Stream into an angry 10-foot sea mess. So we are waiting for the weather to moderate, still in Miami Beach. We're still recovering from illnesses; I have developed what we think is a sinus infection, and Larry still has some tail end of flu symptoms. Hopefully by the time the weather moderates later in the week, we will be well enough to leave.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Good to see you two are still afloat :)

Get better soon...