Sunday, September 17, 2006

After the night of August 31 spent in Norfolk's Willoughby Bay, with the wind rising to 25-30 knots due to Tropical Storm Ernesto, we tried to start our engine and get underway. We needed to get to a more protected spot and were going to head to the Dismal Swamp Canal to ride out the storm. Our engine had other ideas, and the oil pressure light came on solid. We shut it down immediately and investigated. There was no oil in the crankcase, and all of it was in the pan under the engine. We determined that the problem was caused by some work we had had done a month ago. With the storm approaching, we decided to use our towing insurance and call TowBoat/US for a tow back to the boatyard where the work had been done. Here you can just make out the tow boat and tow line, and see the deteriorating weather in the clouds. It was a rainy, windy, and rolly ride, twelve miles down the Elizabeth River, past US Navy warships and commercial container ships, and took four hours. We were very happy to be tied up at a protected dock for the storm.

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